
It's Time to Audit Your Insurance Policies

It's Time to Audit Your Insurance Policies


After unexpected disasters like Harvey occur, it's smart to take a step back and make sure you have the right kind of insurance and the right amount of insurance. And as your family size grows, there is lots to prepare for and consider. Welcoming a new family member can be a joyous occasion, and requires some planning.

Adding a new family member can affect your finances and create a need for more protections. Reassessing your insurance coverage might not be at the top of your list, but policies should always be audited when changes in your family life occur to ensure your coverage will adequately protect your growing family.

Remember this: insurance says love you to the people you love.

Incorporate Family Values

Incorporate Family Values

How to Incorporate Family Values in Your Estate Planning

Baby boomers know money isn’t the only important aspect of estate planning.

A 2012 study released by the Allianz Life Insurance, Co. showed baby boomers wanted to leave their family more than just financial assets. Researchers found baby boomers identified family values as some of the most important things to pass down to heirs.