come learn how to: turn the wrenches of liability & open up pipelines of profit
4:00 PM whiskey tasting
4:30 PM Business Planning 101
David will fill you in on the legal building blocks and strategies every business owner should know while sipping on some hand selected & highly-rated whiskey. Learn what steps you can take to protect yourself, your assets, and your business enterprise. Don't leave your business endeavors at risk!
making your business less wris-key with more whis-key
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Business Planning Workshop
Join us for a seminar to learn about turning the Wrenches of Liability to open a Pipeline of Profit and the 7 Essential Legal Building Blocks that go into a comprehensive business plan and the steps you can take to protect yourself & your business empire.
During the business planning workshop we talk about the following topics:
What is a business plan and who needs one?
Getting ready to become a business owner
Turning the Wrenches of Liability to open a Pipeline of Profit
Understanding the 7 Essential Legal Building Blocks
Protecting assets from business creditors or lawsuits
Staying in compliance and prepared for governmental filings
Start a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization
Proven Results
Our interactive workshops are always filled with useful tips, and attempts to get all questions answered.
Limited Space
Space for this event is very limited. Save your spot and register early.
Monthly Wriskey Business Seminars
Join us for a whiskey tasting, followed by a conversation about Business Planning.
Free to Attend
Attendance is free to anyone that wants to set up a strong business or refurbish an existing business enterprise. Feel free to share the experience with your friends.